The development on the BASPO areal in Magglingen is not typical for a mountain scenery. It is characterised by typologically strong solitary buildings - the Grand Hotel, the BASPO headquarters, the „Jura Haus“ or the large-scale sports facilities, which take up an aesthetic opposite standpoint to the grown natural environment. • The design for the new accommodation and training building finds its architectural expression in the adaptation of those large existing building structures, which are continuously aligned parallel to the contour lines with a plinth area. The rational shaped façade and organisational structure fill the large building volumes with lightness and filigree character. • Distinctive of the design is the clearly visible formation of two building sections: a plinth building which takes in the training section and a tower building for the accommodation rooms. The optical and functional separation represents an outdoor area, which is designed as a large open space on the roof of the plinth building. • The supporting framework and façade of both building parts are made of fair-faced concrete and are built on a uniform grid. Within this grid the rhythm of the facades varies, so that the two functionally separate areas are creatively linked and perceived as a unit. Architecture means not landscape. Architecture, however, can make people and the space surrounding them be part of the landscape. Through the greatest possible transparency in the façade surfaces and due to attractive visual connections and pathways, the design enables the constant experience of the surrounding nature.